Alpaca and animal fiber is a renewable, green resource for the fiber and clothing industry. Warmer, softer, and stronger than sheep’s wool. No lanolin so it is hypoallergenic.
Flame and water resistant.
Alpacas have a minimal environmental impact compared to other livestock. They are lightweight and have padded feet with toenails that do not disturb the earth and pasture.  
Average lifespan of an alpaca is 15-20 years.
They do not pull grass out by the root, resulting in less disturbance of the vegetation. Alpacas generally only eat 1.5% of their body weight daily, making them extremely efficient grazers.
The alpacas form “communal dung piles” making these animals extremely hygienic as compared with horses, cattle, sheep and goats. These dung piles allow pastures to be cleaned effectively and efficiently on a regular basis. Also helping to reduce the spread of parasites.
additionally alpaca manure is “cool” and one of the most nutritious for plant growth and soil enrichment.

Most of all, alpacas are intelligent and social creatures, and make for elegant wonderful livestock.

Nimbus Farm Alpacas has created an educational alpaca coloring book!
Lots of time went in to this book from the beautiful hand drawn illustrations, to the educational information. Included in the pages are alpaca: anatomy, body language, camelids, crias, diet, fleece colors, halter fit, history and culture, huacaya and suri, processing fiber, shearing, showing alpacas, vocabulary, 2 mandala pages and more! This is a comprehensive guide to all things alpaca. Children, teens and even adults will enjoy discovering all about the wonderful world of alpacas, all while being able to color the detailed illustrations.
We love art, alpacas, and education and we have mashed everything together in this fabulous 29 page book!
Did I mention that this would be perfect for your farm store, and for 4H!
CLICK HERE to purchase your copy

Alpacas have unmatched quality when it comes to fleece.
It is hypoallergenic and doesn’t contain lanolin found in sheep’s wool, it is also flame and water resistant.
Alpaca fleece is luxurious and often sought after by fashion labels.
With over 22 colors to chose from, alpaca’s natural fiber has an incredible diversity and variety.